Decorations can be pretty and festive, but Christmas can be one of the most dangerous times of the year for a fire. Placing decorations on and around your fireplace and mantelpiece can be a real hazard, not to mention an obstacle for Father Christmas!
Be fire-safe and follow our tips for a safe and happy festive season:
- Place your tree a safe distance from your fireplace
- If you have an artificial tree make sure it is from a reputable manufacturer or supplier. Many older trees or cheaper versions are extremely flammable and can ignite from the smallest spark almost instantly
- Use a fireguard to prevent stray embers
- Water your real tree. If you don’t believe us, check this out:
- Candles are lovely, but never leave any unattended
- Don’t hang stockings near or over the fire (sorry to break the tradition but it is on safety grounds)
- Make sure you tree lights are fully functional, and there aren’t any frayed or frayed or cracked wires. Avoid overloading extension leads and sockets in case of a short circuit.
- Don’t burn coloured or foil wrapping paper! Tempting as it is, it can give off toxic fumes when being burnt. It also burns very quickly, so there is also a potential for flames to go up the chimney and if you haven’t had a recent sweep, ignite any creosote deposits in the flue!
Remember, don’t store your logs around your fireplace as this is a big fire hazard. They can combust and set alight!