It’s that time of year – between March and September, birds are nesting and often in chimneys. This can cause a problem with noise, bits of twigs and nest falling down, or with birds getting stuck.
We’ve had a few enquiries about nest removal because of noisy birds causing a disturbance, but during nesting season it is not allowed; in fact it is illegal.
Under the under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981), nests and birds cannot be removed during the nesting season simply for being a nuisance. (Fines of up to £5000)
Only if the nest poses a risk to the occupants of the house can it be removed, and then only be removed by a professional, registered chimney sweep. Under no circumstances should you try and smoke the birds out. Apart from being illegal, it can have devastating consequences for the nest and birds. It can also increase the risk of a chimney fire which could potentially reach further than the chimney and put you, your property, others and the emergency services at risk.
For more information or advice, give us a call and we’ll talk through the options.
The Guild of Master Sweeps also has this useful information here.
Do not disturb the birds please!