The nesting season finishes at the end of August, which means us sweeps can make sure your chimney is nest free and remove any from your flue.
Under the Wildlife and Country Act, it is illegal to remove or destroy a nest during March – August, to ensure that the nest is empty and inactive. While we receive requests to clear nests during this time, we will not carry this out until the season is over. If any sweep agrees to do this, they are breaking the law, not to mention that they could be destroying a live nest.
If you think you have a nest in your chimney, it is important that it is removed as they can cause all sorts of problems. Aside from the mess of twigs and noise of baby birds chirping away, there is the risk of a chimney fire and the potential build-up of insect infestations. Also, air cannot flow properly through the flue, which can lead to damp. And we won’t mention the bird poop…
Book your chimney inspection now for September and make sure your chimney is bird-free and your stove is ready to fire up. Contact us today.